
Greg blogged about this article from Edutopia Magazine.
The main bit of the article is about a teacher who lost his job supposedly because he didn't follow the curriculum. I'm a sceptic cause I think there must have been something else behind this story. The article does include a great quote that Greg points out.
"Isolation is the great killer of teachers," he says. "When they see there are other people out there providing resources, the receptivity shoots up. Teachers aren't looking at a script. They have plenty of scripts. The lights go on when they see tools."
The above quote resonated with me. I love to come across new tools that I can see have classroom potential. That's why I'm experimenting with blogging, podcasting and wiki's. Further down that article there is reference to This is a fantastic looking site with step by step instructions to all sorts of cool things This would be a great website to use in two obvious ways. Firstly go surfing for hands on projects for your kids to make. Or get There is nothing better than hands on learning. Secondly get your children to upload their own step by step instructions to projects they create themselves.
I think this site has huge potential. The mouse robot looks like something really cool to do.
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