Two games have caught my eye.

These two games have caught my eye in the last couple of days.
At school we have been watching "Pay it Forward" and we are encouraging the children to start thinking about a project they can initiate that will involve some social action or service to others. I've been thinking about how to incorporate video games in a meaningful way and these two certainly get you thinking. The game Ayiti is part of the Taking It Global website which has a whole range of social projects that kids can get involved in or initiate themselves. I played it for a bit last night and quickly became engrossed in trying to achieve a better life for the characters in the game. So many factors to think about and take into consideration. This is a really powerful game for having kids think about the interrelationship between health, work, family, education, happiness and success. Certainly made me think.
Dafur is Dying is also powerful for conveying the desperate situation that exists in Dafur. I wondered if it almost trivialised it too much by turning it into a game. I'll have to think about this but I think that maybe World Vision do this better by connecting children to real stories about real children in real situations. What do others think?
Thanks Paul. That link was just what I was looking for. Just in time.
Initially, I thought that the game was in poor taste, but ultimately anything that helps our students more aware of the situation the better.
I teach 8th and 9th grade at Phoenix Academy in Sarasota, Florida.
Your blog is appreciated -- it will help my to introduce my next unit.
Forgive the asking, but my students are putting their writing to blog for the first time and I'm trying to make sure they get comments. If you, your colleagues or your students get a spare moment, any comments on would be appreciated.
My students love the "Darfur is Dying" Game. I have been showing your blog to my classes on the projector, and I'll have them comment to you Monday.
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