24 Learning: I think I have a hidden cartoonist inside.

24 Learning

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I think I have a hidden cartoonist inside.

This is cool because I can also create my own characters (well actually in this case I copied one of our Freeville characters from school) but I was able to green screen the background and make it transparent, import that gif into toondoo and Walah! Characters to include in your own cartoon. Now this all seems very exciting and I'm not sure why it is so cool when this can all be done just as easily in Powerpoint.

The environment has something to do with it. I'm interested in tools like this that can be motivating for children to become creative. If this sort of adaption wasn't possible I'd quickly lose interest in toondoo because of the "clipart" nature. I do subscribe to Jamie McKenzie's view that clipart can stifle creativity. What are your thoughts on this? Toondoo is allowing the creator to mashup their own ideas from a collection of resources. Is this more or less creative? Fun to play with anyway and that is a huge plus.



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